Video Guidelines
Film in landscape mode (phone on the side)
Make sure you are not dancing in front of bright windows
Wear appropriate and form-fitted attire
Upload your four video clips (Introduction, Ballet Centre, Contemporary, Improvisation) as one complete video file and title it your full name.
Video Submission Requirements
A brief close-up shot of your face, from the waist up.
Clearly state your full name, age, and residing city
Tendu in the center combination with a pirouette from 5th
Adagio in the center with extensions front, side, and back
Pirouette that travels across the floor (en dehors and en dedans)
Petite allegro combination
Grand allegro combination
Record the combinations on the right and left sides. Combinations should be brief (two to four 8counts each side)
A prepared contemporary solo to musical accompaniment. If applicable, state the title of the solo, the choreographer, and the composer of the music prior to performing.
The solo may be original choreography or from repertory.
Solo should demonstrate dynamic shifts of weight, seamless transitions in and out of floorwork, and show a broad range of movement and artistic qualities
The solo should be approximately two minutes in length.
Improvisation exercise one minute in length
You are allowed to choose your own music.
Video Submission
Go [HERE] to complete the Video Audition Registration Form. Have your submission video link ready.
Approved submission formats:
Unlisted YouTube Link
Anyone can access - Google Drive link
Open Vimeo Link